Sunday, March 31, 2019

Epiphanies Over Laundry

You can tell a lot about your week as you put away laundry. 

Did I come home every day and put on sweatpants?  Did I don educational t-shirts all week at work or do I have a pile of ironing to do alongside my sorting?  Did I bother to get up and work out in the AM?   Was the weather warm enough for even one pair of shorts?  All of the answers are there in the pile.

As I folded today and thought about how I would finish up this Slice of Life Challenge, the thing that kept coming back to me is the amazing amount of choices I've thought about this month.

I guess it started with just choosing what to write about each day.  Nearly every day seemed to point out the enormous amount of choices I make each day and just how much that influences who I am.  I've also listened to and watched stories about nature vs. nurture in the past week.  (funny how when you have a writing project, your brain always seems to be working in the background to bring meaning to things and weaving items together)

Honestly, the idea that I could be pre-destined to be anything--considering the amount of choices I make each day--seems a bit ludicrous to me.   I spoke about this earlier in the month, about how I had been feeling overwhelmed because I 'had to' choose to do so many certain things in order to keep myself a 'happy' human being.  For some reason, this morning, that idea seems ludicrous also.  Life is nothing but choices.  Why wouldn't I choose the things that make me feel good?  Life wasn't forcing me to make choices.  Life is choices.

More and more, I realize how important it is to choose how I spend my time wisely.  It's so limited.  I'm glad I spent this month writing. 


  1. It's scary, enlightening, and thought-provoking when we realize that we are truly made up of the choices we make, minute to minute. Even the choice of doing laundry to have clean clothes for the week speaks to your sense of responsibility! Yes, there are always circumstances that lend constraints to the paths we can take in our lives...but we have lots and lots of choices along the way. Thanks for choosing to write this month!

  2. I'm so glad you did, too! I loved reading your blog. I love how you inspired me to think through things just a little bit differently depending on what you were writing about that day! Like laundry...your observation is uncanny and made for the perfect last slice!

  3. Tracy--Yes, time is fleeting. Choose joy... In the end, your joy will become contagious.

  4. It's a social scientist's look at laundry!
