Sunday, March 24, 2019

Surprise Pig

On Sundays, we sleep in.  Like, extra late.  Sunday is also the only day we don't hop out of bed with a long list of responsibilities.  Sunday mornings are slow and glorious.  All three of our dogs pile in bed with us and when one of our eyelids start to flitter, the belly rubbing begins.

This morning, the drowsy wake up came from my husband exclaiming, "What's this?  A surprise pig!"  The rubber, pink, polka dotted pig is our dogs' favorite toy, and this morning they wanted more than belly rubs--they wanted wrestle time. 

And that's how the day began.  I'm pretty happy about it and thought it was worth remembering. 


  1. Isn't it amazing how pets, dogs in particular, can communicate? And then seeing the sheer joy they get from the human response, in your case, playing with the pig. Glad your day started out so happy!

  2. Ooooh. I thought it was you and David who got the belly rubs, but it's the dogs... Now I understand. ;)

    I've heard of a pig in a poke, but a pig in a bed full of dogs and people--that's a new one.

  3. What a glorious Sunday morning. I hope you enjoyed each and every second of it and the rest of your day as well.

  4. Not too many pigs around this part of the world. ;) I wonder how they let you know they wanted to wrestle? Was it a pig pile on the bed or did the wrestling move to a different venue?

  5. And that's how "surprise pig!" became a catchphrase... Or could easily become one! I love those moments that bring a different type of joy than what you first expected Life has a lot of those.

  6. Sundays for rest and play-sounds good to me. The pink pig must have been a big surprise. I do think this story is one to record and remember.

  7. This sounds like a great slow start to the day! I often lay in bed petting cats in the morning. Hard to get up when there are such good snuggles to be had!
