Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Common Cold - a Top Ten List

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Top Ten Best Things About Catching the Common Cold!
  • Personal Days
  • 24 Hour Pharmacies
  • that Nyquil can indeed be taken during the daytime
  • Kleenex made with Aloe
  • Cream of Wheat
  • Flannel Sheets
  • Harry Potter Movie Marathons
  • Snuggling Dogs
  • a husband willing to pick up dinner
  • the will to stick to my commitment of writing daily


  1. You did it, even though I am sure it's the last thing you want to do. Common colds are the worst because besides looking terrible and feeling terrible, you feel much worse than it appears. Hope you get better soon.

  2. I'm so thrilled that you are writing through your cold though I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Hopefully, it passes soon. Your top-ten list was a format I'm going to have to incorporate in a slice this month!
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Love the top ten list--hate that you don't feel well. I'm going to keep the list handy for when I get sick.

  4. I feel congested just reading this, lol.

  5. Way to put a positive spin on a not so positive situation! I have to say that I completely agree with Harry Potter movie marathon! Harry always makes things better. Feel better!

  6. Oh crapola! You're sick? You mean the lasagna and cheeseburger mac and the garlic bread and the incredible salad and the tortellini soup didn't cure what was about to ail you?


  7. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. But I love the way that you used it to inspire your post today.

  8. Virtual chicken soup for you Tracy, feel better.

  9. Oh no! Hang in there. (And yippee for self care!)

  10. Snuggling pets make everything better! And I have to confess to enjoy an excuse to rest on the couch and watch movies! This is a clever way to write a slice and to find some humor in being sick.
