Thursday, March 7, 2019

I Gave My Tattoo Appointment to My Husband

Colds, coughing fits, and needles seem like a pretty bad combo.  So, I gave my tattoo appointment to my husband.  It's a little bit of jealousy mixed with a little bit of relief.

I feel like head colds and cold weather have done nothing but cancel out my life lately. 

I started a poem about that a few weeks ago.  I thought when I got home from this long, long day that I could add it here to count for my writing on a day where I don't feel witty enough to write at all.  Of course, I can't find it.

So I don't know if the jokes on me or if the jokes on you for reading it, but this is my sliver of life for the day.  I guess I can squeak out a six word memoir for the day... Cold woman struggles to get warm.


  1. I agree that coughing fits & needles are a bad combo. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I hope you feel better soon...nothing worse than canceling life while you recuperate. I hope you get back into that tattoo artist's chair soon!

  3. Ha! Some days just aren't great for writing. I can so relate to writing a poem to use on a day like this--and then being unable to find it. Hope your husband enjoyed the tattoo and that you are feeling better soon!
