Saturday, March 9, 2019


It's not super often that I feel like I'm killin' it at this teaching thing, but lately I've started doing poem of the week with the kids... a little bit of close reading and a little bit of imitation writing.  It's going better than I ever could have imagine and the writing has been stellar!  Yesterday, we wrote alongside Possibilities by Wislawa Szymborska.  My sample was a dial in, so I wanted to try again.

First, some of my favorite lines from my kids yesterday:

I prefer to sleep in.
I prefer love instead of hate.
I prefer to ring the doorbell.
I prefer to ask where are we going and why.
I prefer short sentences.
I prefer unicorns.
I prefer to know why we exist.
I prefer Taco Bell.
I prefer breathing.
I prefer being alone.
I prefer hoodies over jackets.
I prefer memes.
I prefer the ocean.
I prefer the rainbow.
I prefer to make a chicken out of a feather.
I prefer not to see my pets pass away.
I prefer unblocked websites.
I prefer Takis instead of veggies.
I prefer to be curious.
I prefer dreams.
I prefer space to heaven.

Kids can be kind of amazing sometimes.

And here's one from me that I like a little better - a slice of today. 

I prefer a slow cooked, hearty breakfast at the table with my husband.
I prefer books that keep me curled up in my corner of the couch.
I prefer dogs that melt into my lap.
I prefer a tidy house after a week of chaos.
I prefer the sound of birds chirping and nest building out my open window.
I prefer my porch in sunlight.
I prefer the wind whipping my hair as we stroll down Main Street.
I prefer a mojito on the patio of our local brewery on an uncommonly warm day.
I prefer the smell of my kitchen.
I prefer Saturdays. 
I prefer time well spent.


  1. I really like your poem and find it a good model for ELL students who need a lot of modeling

  2. "I prefer dogs that melt into my lap." Wow. That line is a gem, Tracy.

  3. I like the lines that your students came up with...such truth. :-) ~JudyK

  4. I enjoyed reading both your and your students poems. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is an easy way of getting students to love poetry, because it will be about them.

  6. Love what your students wrote and also your lines. Most of all I love that things have gone so well lately for you in your teaching.

  7. Mentor poems and imitation writing - you are killing it! Thanks for sharing your and your kids' lines

  8. I love this piece, and I am definitely borrowing the prompt for later this month! My favorite line is "I prefer my porch in sunlight."

  9. "...books that keep me curled up, my porch in sunlight, and time well spent." Saturday perfection. Thanks for sharing your students' writing too. I may need to try this out.
